Why Has Forex Trading Become So Popular?  

Monday, August 4, 2008

In this post i try to search why Forex trading so popular. and i find about forex trading become so popular that wrote by james wooley.
Forex trading has become extremely popular in recent years, thanks in so small part to the internet. Forex trading used to be conducted mainly by large banks but now many private traders can trade the markets using their own money. So why is forex trading so popular?

Well the main reason people are drawn to forex trading is because of the potential money that can be made. If you consistently win money from trading and increase your stakes as you go along, then your earning potential is unlimited. This is made easier by the fact that you can use leverage to trade. In other words you don't necessarily need a lot of capital to trade large positions because if a broker offers you 1:200 leverage, then you only need $500 to trade a position worth $100,000.

Of course if it was that easy to make money then we would all be millionaires, but the point is that it is possible to make a lot of money if you have a good strategy. It certainly beats traditional share dealing where you need to put up all the money if you want to buy shares in a company, and so the potential rewards are a lot smaller.

Another positive feature of forex trading is that the markets are open 24 hours a week during the working week so you can therefore still trade the markets even if you have a full-time job during the day. Liquidity isn't an issue either because even if you take a large position during the middle of the night, for example, you should have no problems getting filled as the currency markets are heavily traded all around the world and at all times of the day.

Another reason why many people are being drawn to forex trading is that there are now a lot of forex brokers advertising online. It is very easy to open an account and in a lot of cases you can start trading soon afterwards. Most brokers now offer a solid trading platform as well as useful extras such as free charting software to help you make trading decisions, and a free demo account so you can practice with pretend money before trading for real.

Indeed it is the fact that forex currency pairs conform extremely well to technical analysis that makes forex trading so popular. People all over the world are analysing charts and spotting the same trading patterns so it becomes a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy where the same trading patterns happen over and over again.

So overall it's easy to see the appeal of forex trading. There is potentially a lot of money to be made, and the great thing is that you don't necessarily need a lot of money to start off with. The use of leverage means your profits can multiply very quickly, but conversely you can also lose money quickly as well, so it's important that you adopt a solid trading strategy if you want to become a successful trader.

Written By: James Woolley

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History of Sunan Kudus  

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sunan Kudus
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sunan Kudus (or Ja'far Shadiq, d. 1550), founder of Kudus, is considered to be one of the Wali Sanga of Java, Indonesia
He is said to have originated the wayang golek, and founded the masjid at Kudus using (it is said) the doors from the palace of Majapahit. He took the place of his father, Sunan Ngudung.
He was Jaafar As-Sadiq son of Sunan Ngudung and Syarifah (sibling of Sunan Bonang), sons Nyi Ageng Maloka. It is said that he was a son of the Egytian sultan who migrated to Java. In the kingdom of Demak he was appointed as Commander in Chief of the army battalion. He went forth with Sultan Prawata, battling against Adipati Jipang, Arya Penangsang.
He learned a lot from Sunan Kalijaga and apply most of the methods in dawah taught by Kalijaga. Kudus then fled to Central Java to the most empty place there such as Sragen, Simo and also Gunung Kidul.
He was so tolerant to the local culture and even more softer than the other wali up to the point that if someone said to have be having difficulty making dawah in Kudus they will refer back to Sunan Kudus as the most successful person in this area. He makes good use of the symbols appeared in Hinduism and Buddhism and manifested it into architecture especially mosques, minarets, entrance gates and ablutions symbolizing the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. This is a compromising kowtow made by Kudus to his people.
On one occasion he deliberately called the locals to listen to his sermon by tying his cow named "Kebo Gumarang" in the mosque courtyard, the Hindus whom revered cows as their deity soon became sympathetic after listening to the explanation made by him in Sura al-Baqara. Up until then those people in Kudus refuse to slaughter bulls and cows because of their ancient beliefs in the sanctity of cows.
Sunan Kudus also complied stories on tawhid into series and made the crowd became enthusiastic in listening to those stories. This is the Javanese version of 1001 Arabian Night prior to the The Book of One Thousand and One Nights during the Abassid Caliphate.

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